FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Footsteps2Brilliance CEO, Ilene Rosenthal, has joined the ALAS Advisory Council based in Washington, DC. ALAS, the Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents, is committed to serving the educational needs of all students with an emphasis on Latin/o/a/x youth by building capacity, promoting best practices, and transforming educational institutions.
The ALAS Advisory Council consists of organizational leaders who meet throughout the year to advise the ALAS Executive Board of Directors and Executive Director on issues directly impacting school superintendents, principals, and other administrators. In her Advisory Council role, Ms. Rosenthal will contribute her expertise on innovative practices in early childhood education to the current and future work of ALAS during a two year term.
By the year 2026, Latin/o/a/x children will make up 30 percent of the school-age population. In the nation’s largest states including California, Texas, Florida, and New York, Latin/o/a/x already have reached that level. Addressing the needs of the fastest growing community in the United States – the Latin/o/a/x community – is vital to our national interest.
“I’m thrilled to be part of the ALAS Advisory Council. Helping to scale innovation to accelerate learning for Latin/o/a/x youth while supporting superintendents, principals, and administrators is essential for addressing the equity and social justice needs of our country”, says Ilene Rosenthal, Footsteps2Brilliance CEO.
Ilene Rosenthal is a seasoned educator and executive who brings over 30 years of experience designing, developing, and implementing innovative technology solutions to advance learning. Ilene currently serves as CEO of Footsteps2Brilliance. In her role, she works with leading school districts and communities to bring about equitable solutions for the most vulnerable students. She has cultivated relationships with leading school educators in the U.S. and internationally.
Dr. Maria Armstrong, Executive Director of ALAS says, “As ALAS continues to grow and evolve to address issues of equity, leadership development and advocacy, we knew that having an advisory council meant it just wouldn’t be complete without Ilene of Footsteps2Brilliance. Her leadership, experience and most importantly her empathy, makes it a true honor to have her as a member of the council. The work of Footsteps2Brilliance is a game changer for the lives of so many of our children. ALAS is truly grateful to have her as a part of our familia.”

About ALAS
ALAS provides leadership at the national level that assures every school in America effectively serves the educational needs of all students with an emphasis on Latin/o/a/x youth. ALAS is committed to identifying, recruiting, developing and advancing Latin/o/a/x school administrators in order to improve the educational accomplishments of Latin/o/a/x youth.

About Footsteps2Brilliance
Footsteps2Brilliance is a company designed to scale early learning by connecting school and home through mobile technology, and expanding strategies for parental involvement in order to help all children realize their full potential.