For this week's Family Friday, we will play a science sorting game. Children will read about zoo animals in the book Wishes and then have fun sorting the animals by where they live or spend most of their time - in the sky, on the land, or in the water. Read our step-by-step guide on how you can play this interactive habitats activity with your child at home!

What you need:
- Pre-made flashcards
- Pre-made habitat template (sky, land, water)
- Scissors
Step 1
Open up your Footsteps2Brilliance App, and go to Level 1 (Red). In your library, find the "Academic Language Program for Students" (ALPS) series. Find the book Wishes. Read the book with your child. Be sure to touch the illustrations to see the pictures come alive!

Step 2
Print out the zoo animal flashcards and template here. Cut the flashcards, but do not cut the habitat template.
Step 3
Put the flashcards in a bag. Have your child pick one card from the bag. Then have him or her say the animal name out loud and put the card where the animal lives - in the sky, on the land, or in the water.
Enjoyed this interactive habitats activity? Find more Family Friday Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) activities here.
Looking for this activity en español? Click here for the Spanish version of the Wishes book and blog post.