For this week's Family Friday, we will do a sorting game. In Get Out the Clothes, children will learn all about the seasons and what clothes you should wear each season. Children will then practice their sorting skills by placing the correct clothes and activities with the appropriate season. Read our step-by-step guide on how you can play this interactive seasons activity with your child at home!

What you need:
- Pre-made template and flashcards (here)
- Scissors
- Glue or tape
Step 1
Click to read Get Out the Clothes. Read the book with your child. Be sure to touch the illustrations to see the pictures come alive! You can also find Get Out the Clothes by opening up your Footsteps2Brilliance App and going to Level 1 (Red). You'll find the book in the Academic Language Program for Students (ALPS) series.

Step 2
Print out the template and flashcards here. Cut the flashcards, but do not cut the template.

Step 3
Have your child find and identify the seasons and place them on the template.
Step 4
Place the remaining flashcards in a bag. Have your child choose a card and identify whether it is clothes or an activity. Then have them choose which season it belongs to. Place the flashcard on the template. Make sure your child waits to glue the flashcard until they are sure!
Repeat until the template is complete. Have fun!
Enjoyed this interactive seasons activity? Find more Footsteps2Brilliance Family Friday activities here.
Looking for this activity en español? Click here for the Spanish version of the Get Out the Clothes book and blog post.