For Immediate Release
Ilene Rosenthal, CEO
[email protected]
Washington D.C. – The Footsteps2Brilliance and Clever Kids University programs (Footsteps2Brilliance) have been approved by the Florida Department of Education as a provider of early learning solutions. Footsteps2Brilliance offers a powerful bilingual English and Spanish preschool curriculum designed to improve classroom instruction, engage parents, and prepare early learners for kindergarten. Data shows that students who use Footsteps2Brilliance just 15 minutes a day meet or exceed Florida benchmarks.
Florida is nationally renowned for its rigor in approving research-based early learning solutions. The Florida Legislature recognized the importance of investing in early childhood education when they passed the School Readiness Act to help children from low-income families get the support they need to be successful in school.

Footsteps2Brilliance offers daily personalized lessons for every student. Children experience a daily dose of research-based kindergarten preparation at their own pace and level of mastery. School districts can utilize “push technology” to send early learning curriculum community-wide to the mobile devices that 98 percent of parents already own. With Footsteps2Brilliance, teachers and administrators have ongoing real-time data analytics to monitor academic achievement, classroom and home use, and family engagement.
Footsteps2Brilliance is rapidly being adopted by numerous school districts throughout the United States. For example, in Colusa County, one of the innovative ways in which Footsteps2Brilliance is being implemented is through a diploma program. Students who complete 26 weeks of Clever Kids University receive a diploma and are recognized as kindergarten ready. At Ben Hill County Schools, students achieved a dramatic gain of an average 237% improvement across all 8 measures of the PALS reading assessment in less than 5 months. During the COVID-19 pandemic, districts using Footsteps2Brilliance saw a 76% increase in student participation with academic advancement in all literacy domains.
“We are honored to be approved by the Florida Department of Education as an early learning solutions provider. Our company was founded to eliminate the kindergarten preparation gap and to prepare children for reading proficiency by third grade. Our approach breaks down the four walls of the school and allows district superintendents to empower their communities through early childhood literacy,” says Ilene Rosenthal, Footsteps2Brilliance CEO.

About Footsteps2Brilliance, Inc.
Footsteps2Brilliance, Inc. is the breakthrough early learning platform that accelerates early literacy achievement by uniting the power of mobile gaming technology with the latest in cognitive research. Footsteps2Brilliance provides enticing, interactive, 24/7 learning experiences that digitally link school and home to give students the edge they need for success in school today and the world tomorrow. For further information contact: [email protected].